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VentSaver HD saves the day!
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VentSaver HD saves the day!

Posted by Howie Scarboro - National Sales Manager SnoBlox-SnoJax on Jan 28th 2020

The VentSaver HD Protected this customers vent pipe from way more than just snow

We were recently contacted by a customer that had purchased and installed one of our Ventsaver HD kits. The product was installed 7 seasons ago and has been working flawlessly. During a recent storm, a 60’ section of tree fell on the roof above the Ventsaver and chimney. As the tree slid down the roof, it was stopped and held in place by the Ventsaver HD. The strength of the Ventsaver HD is in the attachment to the structural wood under the metal panels. If properly fastened to the roof, the Ventsaver HD is incredibly strong. In this case, the solid attachment method allowed the device to protect the chimney from certain destruction from the fallen tree. Please take a minute to read the comments and see the pictures sent from our customer.

A tree A cabin covered in snow with a tree having fallen on its roof

Customer Testimonial

“I installed the Vent Saver back in October 2012 as an alternative to the home made wooded teepee we used in the pass. 7-years later after being out of side out of mind the Vent Saver stopped a 60’ tree from taking out the chimney during last week’s Stevens Pass storm. I topped the tree from the second story window with an antique hand crosscut saw thinking it might slide off but that was not to be with the weight balancing on the blade. Not my day to die leaving it to the professionals to finish.”

Ventsavers are the perfect solution for protecting chimney, vent pipes, and exhaust stacks from damage from sliding snow and ice…and also trees in this case! Available in 3 sizes to fit your needs, check them out at

VentSaver HD viewed from above

VentSaver HD viewed from behind