Spacing For ColorBar on Standing Seam Metal Roofs
ColorBar For Standing Seam Spacing Guidelines
In parts of the world that receive winter precipitation, snow and ice on glossy-coated metal roofing can create an extremely dangerous avalanche condition. A properly installed snow guard system can mitigate this condition. Our approach to proper placement involves an overall spacing throughout the entire roof area to keep snow and ice from shifting initially. Once frozen precipitation loses its grip on a metal roof and begins a downhill slide, everything in its path will be destroyed. A single row of guards placed along the eave or gutter edge of the roof is not always enough protection against this dangerous condition. An evenly distributed snow load will preserve the long-term integrity of the actual structure, metal roof and snow retention system. Isolating snow guards on partial roof sections such as just over doorways or roof vents is not recommended. Select your pitch below to get a general spacing guideline. All upper roof areas must have snow retention installed before installing snow guards on a lower roof. This page should only be used as a quick reference guide for estimating snow guard quantities and placement on roofs with up to 45 PSF ground snow load. Always consult with an architect or engineer for recommended snow guard placement for your project. This spacing guideline does not account for snow shadows, drifting, or unseasonable conditions. If your ground snow load exceeds 45PSF please fill out our Quote Request Form for the heavy-duty ColorBar systems.
Please Pick Your Roof Pitch Below
1/12 - 2/12 Roof Pitch | 3/12 - 6/12 Pitch | 7/12 - 12/12 Pitch |
1/12 to 2/12 Roof Pitch

Panel: Valleys 12 to 24 inches.
IceStoppers: 12 inches to 17 inches needs 1 IceStopper Per Panel - 18 inches to 24 inches needs 2 IceStoppers Per Panel
Pitch: 1/12 to 2/12
Spacing: Every 40 feet up the roof.
Isolated Roof Areas: Never use ColorBar in isolated roof areas such as just over doorways etc.
Snow load: Up to 45 PSF ground snow load.
Starting at 1 foot from the bottom edge, or over the end wall on a supported overhang, place the ColorBar using one clamp per seam, across the entire roof area. Go up the roof every 40 feet and run another row of ColorBar across the entire roof. Do not exceed 40 feet vertically between rows of bars. For Example: if your roof sheets are 80 feet long, your roof would require a row approximately 1 foot from the bottom and at 40 feet up from the bottom. When possible, always attempt to divide the roof areas into equal sections, with equal distance between rows, without exceeding the manufacturer's maximum placement guidelines. All upper roof areas must have snow retention installed before installing SnoBar on a lower roof. When possible, always attempt to divide the roof areas into equal sections, with equal distance between rows, without exceeding the manufacturer's maximum placement guidelines. Never isolate areas of SnoBar such as just over doorways or vent pipes.
3/12 - 6/12 Roof Pitch

Panel: Valleys 12 to 24 inches.
IceStoppers: 12 inches to 17 inches needs 1 IceStopper Per Panel - 18 inches to 24 inches needs 2 IceStoppers Per Panel
Pitch: 3/12 to 6/12
Spacing: Every 15 feet up the roof.
Isolated Roof Areas: Never use ColorBar in isolated roof areas such as just over doorways etc.
Snow load: Up to 45 PSF ground snow load.
Starting at 1 foot from the bottom edge, or over the end wall on a supported overhang, place the ColorBar using one clamp per seam, across the entire roof area. Go up the roof every 15 feet and run another row of ColorBar across the entire roof. Do not exceed 15 feet vertically between rows of bars. For Example: if your roof sheets are 30 feet long, your roof would require a row at approximately 1 foot from the bottom and at 15 feet up from the bottom. When possible, always attempt to divide the roof areas into equal sections, with equal distance between rows, without exceeding the manufacturer's maximum placement guidelines. All upper roof areas must have snow retention installed before installing SnoBar on a lower roof. When possible, always attempt to divide the roof areas into equal sections, with equal distance between rows, without exceeding the manufacturer's maximum placement guidelines. Never isolate areas of SnoBar such as just over doorways or vent pipes.
7/12 - 12/12 Roof Pitch

Panel: Valleys 12 to 24 inches.
IceStoppers: 12 inches to 17 inches needs 1 IceStopper Per Panel - 18 inches to 24 inches needs 2 IceStoppers Per Panel
Pitch: 7/12 to 12/12
Spacing: Every 10 feet up the roof.
Isolated Roof Areas: Never use ColorBar in isolated roof areas such as just over doorways etc.
Snow load: Up to 45 PSF ground snow load.
Starting at 1 foot from the bottom edge, or over the end wall on a supported overhang, place the ColorBar using one clamp per seam, across the entire roof area. Go up the roof every 10 feet and run another row of ColorBar across the entire roof. Do not exceed 10 feet vertically between rows of bars. For Example: if your roof sheets are 20 feet long, your roof would require a row at approximately 1 foot from the bottom and at 10 feet up from the bottom. When possible, always attempt to divide the roof areas into equal sections, with equal distance between rows, without exceeding the manufacturer's maximum placement guidelines. All upper roof areas must have snow retention installed before installing SnoBar on a lower roof. When possible, always attempt to divide the roof areas into equal sections, with equal distance between rows, without exceeding the manufacturer's maximum placement guidelines. Never isolate areas of SnoBar such as just over doorways or vent pipes.
This page may be used only for the purpose of developing plans, specifications, and/or approval drawings for construction projects utilizing only IceBlox, Inc. manufactured or distributed products and components. It is to be used only as a quick reference for estimating snow guard quantities and placement on roofs with less than 45 PSF ground snow load.
IceBlox Inc., d.b.a SnoBlox-Snojax, referred to hereafter as IceBlox, Inc., or any subsidiary brands or companies, is not responsible for estimates or purchases resulting from the erroneous or improper use of this page or
The user shall determine the suitability of the product for its intended use and assumes all risks of its use or handling. In regards to spacing guidelines, quotations, and or layouts, Iceblox, Inc. will not be held liable for incorrect material quantities not recommended on and/or
Spacing For ColorBar Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The ColorBar system comes in standard 6' and 12' lengths. Aluminum splice plates are provided with your system to connect multiple bars into a continuous run while allowing for expansion and contraction. Each splice connector feeds into the top channel of the bar. One side of the splice connector fastens to the first bar with a single tek screw, and the other end is allowed to float freely.
You can solve this problem quickly with the use of our IceStopper attachments. The IceStoppers are aluminum feet mechanically fastened to the back of the bar and hang perpendicular to the panel slope. These units rest against the panel and create additional protection and stopping power for the system. IceStoppers are optional, but we highly recommend them above pedestrian walkways and vehicle parking spaces. On panels with less than 18" seam spacing, only a single IceStopper, centered in the panel flat, is needed. Panels from 18"-24" require 2 IceStoppers per panel spaced evenly. Panels with seam spacing greater than 24" require 3 IceStoppers spaced evenly.
The ColorBar is available in mill finish and can be custom color-matched with a powder-coated finish. Suppose you are looking for a more economical solution. In that case, you can utilize the channel on the front face of the bar, which accepts a 2" wide color strip. We offer a small selection of colors that are available by phone. You can also provide your own using leftover flat stock metal from your roof installation or by calling your local roofing supplier. Our customers sometimes paint their systems upon arrival as a final option.
The SnoBar system consists of a hollow, 1" x 1" square tube constructed of Gator Shield-coated galvanized steel. The ColorBar system uses an extruded 6061-T6 aluminum bar. Both systems can be ordered online in mill finish or by phone for a custom powder-coated finish. Due to its superior strength, the ColorBar can span panels wider than 24". An additional benefit to the ColorBar system is its ability to accept a 2" wide Color Strip in its front face as a more economical alternative to powder coating.
Price List for 12 foot SnoBar and ColorBar