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Economical 6 Foot SnoBar and ColorBar Snow Rail Kits

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The following warranty is made in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied.  Recommendations for proper use of the product are based on tests believed to be reliable.  Any goods proven to be defective due to materials will be replaced, or the purchase price refunded, but in no event shall the manufacturer be responsible for damages in excess of the purchase price.  User shall determine the suitability of the product for its intended use and assumes all risks of its use or handling.

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SnoBar, ColorBar, and ColorRail Warranty

The following warranty is made in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied. Recommendations for proper use of the product are based on tests believed to be reliable. Any goods proven to be defective due to materials will be replaced, or the purchase price refunded, but in no event shall the manufacturer be responsible for damages in excess of the purchase price. The user shall determine the suitability of the product for its intended use and assumes all risks of its use or handling.

Things to Consider:

  1. All loads incurred by the SnoBar will be transferred to the panels. Therefore, proper panel attachment to the substrate/structure is necessary to prevent roof panels from sliding under snow load. New and existing structures must be evaluated to ensure they can withstand retained snow loads. (In instances where there is an overhang at the eave edge, it is imperative to make sure that the overhang can hold the accumulated loading, otherwise, the first row of SnoBar should occur at the bearing wall.)

  2. It is not recommended to place the SnoBar System in isolated areas such as doorways, vents, and partial roof areas. Please call for special design considerations in those areas.

  3. Consider whether your roof system and/or substrates (felts or membranes) run the risk of ice damming with the addition of this type of system.

  4. The SnoBar Clamp System requires the roof panel to be a min. of 24 GA. steel and have a seam height of at least 1". Clamp spacing cannot exceed 24"O.C. Clamp spacing varies depending on seam spacing (12" o.c. up to 42" o.c). Clamps should be placed at every seam so that the load is distributed evenly to every roof panel. It is not recommended to use a clamp-type system when the roof uses a separate seam cover or batten.

  5. The U-Bracket System requires a purlin or structural support beneath it to mount to.

  6. No snow retention system is capable of retaining 100% of snow and ice from falling off the roof.

  7. Designer/Architect, Installer, or Owner of the project should have knowledge of the local snow loads, climatic conditions, roof slope, roof orientation, and roof design prior to installing SnoBar.

  8. After considering the above factors, the determined lineal feet of SnoBar required is based on the length of panels, roof slope, snow loading, and areas needing protection from falling snow. (Call SnoBlox-SnoJax for clamp and bar loading values.)

  9.   It is the sole responsibility of the Designer/Architect, Installer, or Owner to assess the suitability of using the SnoBar System based on the above design considerations. SnoBlox-SnoJax or any of its subsidiaries, or Riddell & Company, Inc, and Action Manufacturing are under no liability if a failure occurs from improper installation, improper set screw torque, improper panel attachment, improper roof system installation, improper use of the SnoBar system or under designed system placement of the SnoBar system.

Bar System Warranty Registration

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WindBar Warranty

The following warranty is made in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied. Recommendations for proper use of the product are based on tests believed to be reliable. Any goods proven to be defective due to materials will be replaced, or the purchase price refunded, but in no event shall the manufacturer be responsible for damages in excess of the purchase price. The user shall determine the suitability of the product for its intended use and assumes all risks of its use or handling.

Things to Consider:

  1. All loads incurred by the WindBar will be transferred to the panels. Therefore, proper panel attachment to the substrate/structure is necessary to prevent roof panels from sliding under snow load. New and existing structures must be evaluated to ensure they can withstand retained snow loads. (In instances where there is an overhang at the eave edge, it is imperative to make sure that the overhang can hold the accumulated loading, otherwise, the first row of WindBar should occur at the bearing wall.)
  2. It is not recommended to place the WindBar System in isolated areas such as doorways, vents, and partial roof areas. Please call for special design considerations in those areas.

  3. Consider whether your roof system and/or substrates (felts or membranes) are designed to take the increased ice damming that will occur with the addition of snow retention.

  4. The WindBar Clamp System requires the roof panel to be a min. of 24 GA. steel and have a seam height of at least 1". Clamp spacing can not exceed 24"O.C. Clamp spacing varies depending on seam spacing (12" o.c. up to 42" o.c). Clamps should be placed at every seam so that the load is distributed evenly to every roof panel. It is not recommended to use a clamp-type system when the roof uses a separate seam cover or batten.

  5. Designer/Architect, Installer, or Owner of the project should have knowledge of the local snow loads, climatic conditions, roof slope, roof orientation, and roof design prior to installing WindBar.

  6. After considering the above factors, the determined lineal feet of WindBar required is based on the length of panels, roof slope, or run. (Call SnoBlox-SnoJax for clamp and bar loading values.)

  7. It is the sole responsibility of the Designer/Architect, Installer, or Owner to assess the suitability of using the WindBar System based on the above design considerations. SnoBlox-SnoJax or any of its subsidiaries, or Riddell & Company, Inc, and Action Manufacturing are under no liability if a failure occurs from improper installation, improper set screw torque, improper panel attachment, improper roof system installation, improper use of the WindBar system or under designed system placement of the WindBar system.

Bar System Warranty Registration

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All copyright and disclaimer information must remain intact and there is strictly no unauthorized use of any part of this site.  Redistribution and use of the SnoBlox-SnoJax Spacing Tool is not permitted without written consent from IceBlox, Inc and only if all logos and copyright information remains intact. *Neither the name of IceBlox, Inc., SnoJax, SnoBlox, IceJax, nor the names of any subsidiary brands or companies and their logos, may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

The estimator software is provided by the copyright holders and author "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.  This estimator produces estimates; results and values produced are not legally binding and are subject to change by IceBlox, Inc. or its representatives.  In no event shall the copyright owner or author be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused (including estimator malfunction or user error,) and by any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use or misuse of this estimator, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.


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