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Economical 6 Foot SnoBar and ColorBar Snow Rail Kits

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WindBar Price Quote

Our WindBar systems are custom designed based on the project specific information that you are about to provide us. This service is free of charge and allows us to determine the proper equipment and layout to get the job done right! If our layout is followed and the system is properly installed, it is backed by our Lifetime Warranty at no extra charge!

Okay, let’s get started! All measurement, pitch, and ground snow load data is important to getting the loading calculations correct so please be accurate and thorough. There is a space at the bottom of the form to add notes and attach roof plans/elevations for our team to review. Once we receive the completed Quote Request Form, one of our bar specialists will perform the loading calculations and determine the proper layout, equipment list, and freight costs. You will be contacted within 2 business days with your quote and custom layout.

If you have any questions along the way, please call us at 800-766-5291 and we will be happy to assist you.