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Standing Seam Metal Roof Clamps For Many Jobs
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Standing Seam Metal Roof Clamps For Many Jobs

Posted by SnoBlox-Snojax on Sep 12th 2022

If you have a standing seam roof, hiring roofers who understand it requires specific tools is important. Of particular importance are roof clamps. Standing seam metal roof clamps are a basic component for ensuring the roof is done without damaging it.

What Are Roof Clamps?

Roof clamps are very versatile. They perform a variety of tasks. Standing seam metal roof clamps are specialized to address the requirements of this type of roof. The right size and shape are employed to address several requirements. These range from securing a ladder to a roof to mounting solar panels to attaching snow retention systems safely. Securing snow guards has increasingly become popular in many states.

IMage showing RoofClamp RC and RCT on a white background

What Qualities are Best for Standing Seam Metal Roof Clamps?

Certain characteristics make for the best type of roof clamps intended for metal roofing. This is particularly true for attaching snow guards. Standing seam metal roof clamps should

  • Be easy and fast to install
  • Be durable – able to withstand the pressure of the project and the environmental conditions they may be subjected to
  • Be constructed of anti-corrosive material e. g. aluminum, or be powder-coated to address this issue
  • Not require a large torque – the Roof Clamp RC, for example, needs almost half of what other roof clamps require
  • Be reusable – a sign of environmental conscientiousness

Above all, standing seam metal roof clamps should be safe for use on metal roofs. They should never penetrate or even pierce the metal panels.

Standing Seam Metal Roof Clamps

Choosing the right roof clamp is important. If you are trying to decide what options are the best, be sure to contact the experienced and knowledgeable professionals at SnoBlox-SnoJax. They have a high-quality supply of roof clamps and related materials for standing seam roof projects.