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Why Roof Inspections Are A Great Opportunity To Install Snow Guards
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Why Roof Inspections Are A Great Opportunity To Install Snow Guards

Posted by SnoBlox-Snojax on Jul 15th 2022

There are a lot of homeowners who are completing home roof inspections this summer. If you want to protect your home against future damage, it is important for you to get a roofing inspection done at least once per year. This provides a professional roof inspector with an opportunity to identify potential issues with your roof before they lead to serious damage, including leaks. At the same time, now might be the best time to install a snow guard. Learn more about what is included in a roof inspection below, and consider installing  snow guards now while the weather is warm.

What Does a Roof Inspection Include?

Even though a roof inspection can vary slightly depending on the size, shape, and age of your roof, there are several common components that a professional roof inspector will look for. They include:

- The roof inspector will look for signs of caulk or rust spots on the roof, particularly in areas near the flashing.
- The inspector will keep an eye open for shingles that are blistering, curling, or buckling, as they may need to be replaced.
- The roof inspection will also include looking for missing or broken shingles, as they can be a significant liability.
- If there are vent pipes on your roof, the roof inspector will look for signs of cracking or warping.
- The roof inspector will check your chimney cap for signs of damage.
- The roof inspector will also look for signs of roof decay underneath the surface, such as the presence of moss and lichen.

When the roof inspector is done, you should receive a comprehensive report discussing what the roof inspector found. That way, you can decide if any portion of your roof needs to be repaired or replaced. You should try to get this roof inspection completed regularly so that you'll identify potential concerns as quickly as possible.

How Long Does a Roof Inspection Take?

There are lots of factors that will play a role in how long your roof inspection will take. Some of the key factors include:

- The age of your roof
- The size of your roof
- The grade or slant of your roof
- The materials that have been used to construct the roof
- The presence of any accouterments on your roof, such as skylights, vents, or chimneys
- The amount of time since your last roof inspection
- The cleanliness of your roof
- The weather outside

Your roof inspector will try to work as quickly as possible without sacrificing the quality of the inspection. Generally, you should expect your roof inspection to take anywhere from 30 minutes to approximately four hours.

When To Install Snow Guards

When the weather is warm and the sun is shining, you are probably not thinking about installing snow guards; however, it is better to install snow guards on your roof during the warm weather. If you wait until the weather starts to cool off to install snow guards on your roof, it might be too late. If there is snow present on your roof, it may be too difficult to install snow guards at that time. 

The goal of snow guards is to prevent accumulated snow and ice from sliding down your roof all at once. This can be a significant safety concern, as an avalanche falling from the roof can damage vehicles, mechanical structures, landscaping, and people who might be walking underneath. With snow guards present, small amounts of snow will melt from your roof safely.

There are several reasons why now is a good time to install snow guards. They include:

- The adhesive used for attaching polycarbonate snow guards will not cure when the temperatures dip below 50F. Therefore, spring and summer are the best times for these types of installs to allow for several warm weeks of curing time before the snow starts to fall.
- Furthermore, it may be difficult to hire a contractor when the weather gets cold because there will be a lot of people interested in installing snow guards.
- With more hours of daylight outside, it will be easier for you to schedule an appointment to install snow guards.
- You will learn how to take care of your snow guards properly before the first snowflakes begin to fall.

You need to install the right snow guards on your roof, and it would be our pleasure to help you with that.

Install the Best Snow Guards for Your Roof With SnoBlox-SnoJax

If you want to make sure your roof is properly protected, it is important for you to install a reliable set of snow guards on your roof. At SnoBlox-SnoJax, we are proud to provide you with access to exceptional snow guards. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services, and make sure you protect your roof from the dangers of snow.