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Functions and Benefits of Snow Guards for Metal Roofs
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Functions and Benefits of Snow Guards for Metal Roofs

Posted by SnoBlox-Snojax on Jun 22nd 2022

In places where the winters include copious amounts of snow, many residents decide to install some type of barrier on their roofs. These are marketed as snow holders, snow barriers, and snow guards. All such names indicate their basic function. Some are designed specifically to address certain roofing materials. This includes those fabricated as snow guards for metal roofs.

Functions of Snow Guards

The snow guard is a type of barrier. It is placed on the roof as a form of protection. Its major function is to prevent the snow and ice from sliding onto unsuspecting pedestrians below. It protects people and other items such as vehicles that may stray beneath the path of a snow slide from being struck.

Some types break up the formation and, therefore, only permit some of it from falling off the roof. Other types create a complete barrier. They block the entire snow and ice mass. It is restrained in a holding position until the sun melts it and it flows off the roof as ice and snow melt.

Metal roofs in particular are prone to sliding ice and snow. The material provides the ideal surface for them as metal is slippery by nature and so smooth as to decrease any traction snow and ice may inherently have.

Benefits of Snow Guards for Metal Roofs

Adding snow guards to a metal roof is about ensuring the safety of people and the surrounding environmental structures, including structures and vehicles. Installing snow guards for metal roofs offers the following benefits:

  • Controls the build-up and snow and ice formation
  • Protects the metal roof and any related building elements - including the eaves troughs and other types of drainage systems
  • Helps to evenly distribute the weight load of the snow and ice deposits over the entire surface of the roof
  • Helps roof maintenance by simplifying it

To learn more about the functions and benefits of installing snow guards for metal roofs, talk to the professional experts at SnoBlox-SnoJax.