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Tips on how to get the most out of your snow guards
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Tips on how to get the most out of your snow guards

Posted by SnoBlox-Snojax on Jun 17th 2022

Snow guards, snow brakes, and snow stops have been used for many years. All of these words have the same meaning. The purpose of snow guards is to prevent snow from piling up and sliding off of the roof, which can cause harm to another person, property, and landscaping. Choosing the right snow guard is just as important when it comes to protection. With a few simple tips, you can get the most out of your guards and have them working in no time.

Snow Guard Placement

It is important that you choose the right snow guard and install it correctly. Having the snow guard correctly installed in the right spot means that the length of run, roof pitch, and architectural features will all come into play. Additionally, you should aim to protect people from being injured and property from being damaged. Snow guards systems should be designed to protect the entire roof, but especially entrances, walkways, and all exposed pedestrian areas.

Heavy snow can cause pretty extensive damage to property. Guards can also protect secondary roofs and parking spaces as well.

Be Familiar with Your Roof

Before you can determine the layout and cost of snow guards, you have to be familiar with your roof dimensions.

When it comes to installing a snow guard, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. This is why you must know about the different types of roofs, length of runs, and pitch. You must also find the ground snow load rating for the project area. Typically it is best to call the local building or permitting office to ask about it.

If you already know these things, you should be familiar with what spacing best suits your roof. If you know everything about your roof, you will be able to make an informed decision on the best snow guard to purchase.

Snow guards are most effective when installed in complete rows, instead of just over doorways. Try to avoid Isolated Placement when planning your project. Isolated Placement areas have a much higher rate of failure.

Material Options

It is best to purchase high quality snow guards that have been tested and carry a lifetime replacement warranty. This is the only way to ensure the equipment can perform as promised.

Snow guards for metal roofs can be fabricated from  polycarbonategalvanized steelaluminum, or stainless steel. Be sure to also use non-corrosive hardware for mounting to the roof.

When it comes to color matching the roof material, powder coating is option, as well as Colorstrips for bar systems. Some polycarbonate snow guards are offered in standard colors as well.

Installation Tips

Always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions when installing snow guards. Since they are made to last the entire service life of your roof, you should always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for spacing. As a general rule, standing seam roofs can use either clamp-on bar systems or  adhesive mounted pad style guards. Screw down panels such as the popular r-panel, pro panel, and PBR panels can have adhesive or  screw mounted pad style guards and screw mounted bar systems.

Things to Avoid

When it comes to snow retention, one of the biggest mistakes people make when planning their project is insufficient layout. Be sure to obtain  spacing guidelines from the manufacturer as part of the planning phase of your project to avoid failures in the future. Installing the correct number of rows allows for years of performance and balanced loading on the roof structure.

A snow guard system that has been properly tested and engineered is important to resist the forces that can result from snowpacks. Failure to install snow guards can result in property damage and potential loss of life.