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Economical 6 Foot SnoBar and ColorBar Snow Rail Kits

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Set Screws for SnoBar ColorBar Clamp (50 Pack)

  • Whats Included: 50 Cup Tip Stainless Steel Set Screws
  • Processing Time: Same or Next Day (Mon-Fri)
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The Cup Tip Screws Provide the Ultimate Roof Clamp Attachment

The cupped-tip screws are an excellent option for snow retention clamping and other roof clamp attachments, as they offer a very secure anchoring point when tightened to just 90 in./lbs. In contrast, the competitor's round-tip set screws can demand high torque and create higher panel compression. When mounting seam clamps with round-tip set screws, the installer is required to exert a massive torque of 130–150 inch pounds or 160–180 inch pounds for 22 gauge panels. Torquing set screws to high levels on a standing seam metal roof can severely deform and damage the seams of the roof panels.

These set screws are used for the RoofClamp RC and RCT, along with the SnoBar and ColorBar clamps.

3/8-16 X 1-1/4 Cup Tip Stainless Steel Set Screws for the RoofClamp, and SnoBar-ColorBar Clamp. Sold in packs of 50.

About RoofClamp

In 2010, SnoBlox-Snojax began selling the patented Universal RoofClamp™, a standing seam clamp for accessory attachment on metal roofing. Paul Riddell of Action Manufacturing LLC invented it. Paul is the son of Dick Riddell, one of the inventors of the first standing seam roof clamp patented in 1993. This revolutionary universal fit roof clamp product attaches almost anything to a standing seam roof. With these clamps, installers can secure satellite dishes, roof walkways, conduits, or HVAC lines. RoofClamp can also be used to attach signs or awnings. The RCT model fits over 95 percent of the standing seam panels on the market, so there is no need to stock the many clamp sizes that some other manufacturers require. The aluminum RoofClamp™ utilizes three stainless-steel cup-tipped screws that do not pierce or penetrate the panel; therefore, it will not damage the panel or void the panel manufacturer's warranty.