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Economical 6 Foot SnoBar and ColorBar Snow Rail Kits

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Snow Guard Resources

Snow Guards for metal roofing is our main business. This is a comprehensive resource for architects to access product specification sheets, cut sheets, and other useful information for our products. If you have any questions on the information below, please feel free to contact us at 1-800-766-5291. 

Snow Retention: The Theory

Snow and ice can dangerously avalanche off of glossy-coated metal roofing. These hazards can be prevented with the installation of snow guards.

Once frozen, precipitation loses its grip on a metal roof and begins a downhill slide. A row of guards placed along the eave or gutter edge of the roof is not always enough protection against these dangers. Our approach to snow guard placement involves placing snow guards throughout the entire area of the roof to keep snow and ice from initially shifting. If you hold snow and ice in place with an effective snow guard layout, you are able to evenly distribute the load on the roof and snow guards; virtually eliminating the threat of an avalanche. An evenly distributed snow load will preserve the long-term integrity of the structure and snow guard pattern.

Spacing of Snow Guards

To learn about placement of snow guards for your project or you can use our quick spacing guideline page  for snow guard  placement to estimate the number of snow guards necessary for your project. 

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Commentary on Snow Loads

This document is used by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as Technical Instructions for snow loads. Our SnoJax II is found on page 26, however, contrary to the image, we suggest that multiple rows of staggered snow guards be installed throughout the roof to effectively hold snow in place. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Commentary on Snow Loads (pdf)

Submittal Documents

Addition Resources

Project Specs Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Our test results show snow guards made of metal and polycarbonate perform similarly. Please go to the resources page to review these findings. For our customers, looks frequently matter more than strength when making this decision. Only polycarbonate snow guards are compatible with adhesive for our customers with standing seam metal roofs.

The heavy-duty VentSaver HD has an 18" long fin with a 14" to 16" tall profile, compared to the VentSaver EZ's 12" long fin with a 9" to 12" tall profile.

Installers equip most popular standing seam panels available today with the RoofClamp RC and RCT. For most roofing applications, contractors choose the less expensive RoofClamp RC. Installers use the RCT when the project includes a Bulb Seam or T-Seam panel. The RCT is compatible with any panel that the RC fits. Check our panel compatibility chart for further details about these clamps.

The structural ColorBar snow rail system features an extruded 6061-T6 aluminum bar that can accept a color strip. Its superior strength allows it to span panels wider than 24". The SnoBar system features a 1" x 1" square, hollow Gator Shield coated galvanized steel tube. Both systems can be purchased online in mill finish or ordered in a powder-coated finish by phone.

NO! Surebond SB-190 adhesive is used to adhere polycarbonate snow guards to metal roof panels without penetrating them. Do not use Surebond SB-190 as a sealer beneath the polycarbonate snow guards when using mechanical fasteners. Novaflex MR150 is a silicone caulking used to seal snow guards when installing them with screws. Do not use Novaflex as an adhesive to secure snow guards to your roof.